
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Evening Soiree

This past weekend I attended a couple's wedding shower. It was a "stock the bar" party, and it was a great time. The weather was VERY warm when I left at 6pm, but thankfully cooled down a bit later to where I was comfortable.

This silk dress is a little shorter than I would normally wear, but I really like it. I kinda wish I had waited before buying these wedges because they don't look as cute in pictures as they did in the store. I should have bought something more delicate with an extra couple of straps.

(I apologize for my blinding whiteness!)

Dress: Off 5th outlet (similar, for the brave)
Belt: Old Navy


  1. Love the dress, the color, the ruffles, so pretty!
    Jmeli from Fashionably Yours

    1. Thanks! I hope you don't mind I referenced you in my newest blog post!

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