
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hotel Workout

Obviously I travel a lot (or the name of this blog would be deceiving) and most of the time I stay in the same hotel. Unfortunately this week I am all over the place, which means 3 hotels in 4 nights.  And not every hotel I stay in has an acceptable workout facility either on-site or near-by. Enter creativity!

This morning I did a make shift bootcamp. I went for a 25 minute jog to warm up. Then came back to the hotel and did the following:

  • 15 stair jumps (x3)
  • 4 flights of 3-at-a-time stair climbs (x3)

  • walking lunges (length of the hallway, about 50)
  • 50 squats  

  • 30 knees-up crunches (x3)
  • 60 second plank (x3)
First set - The stair jumps were interesting. PLEASE do not try these if you have never done any kind of standing box jump. I can do a 36" box jump, so jumping up 2 stairs was nothing. But since they are staggered, I was careful not to trip on the first stair.  After 15 stair jumps, I climbed the 4 flights of stairs, taking the steps 3 at a time. This required a wide stance and balance. I did this set 3 times through.

Second set - Walking lunges. I did these all the way down the hall way (thankfully no one came out of their room to watch me!), which was about 50. If I'm doing these in the gym, I usually do some sort of weighted arm exercise with them and to 16 total lunges, 3 times through. Since I didn't have weights, I just did the entire hall way without stopping.  Then I also knocked out 50 squats (may have stopped once or twice in the 50).
Third set - ABS! I put a towel down on the floor and did 30 knees-up crunches (see photo). Be careful here not to go too far up, its a crunch not a situp. And be sure to keep your arms wide and knees at a 90-degree angle the entire time. Also I did 60-second planks. Sounds easy but its hard! I used the timer on my phone to make sure I did a full 60 seconds. It helps if you have a focal point on the floor ahead of you to keep your posture in line. And be sure to BREATHE! I did this set 3 times through.

All together this workout took about an hour. To increase the intensity, you can add sprint intervals to the jog. You could also add one more set of pushups and chair dips if you want to incorporate the upper body. I just didn't have time this morning.

This just proves you can workout anywhere with zero get off your booty and MOVE! :-)

*Disclaimer - I am not a personal trainer. Just a girl who works out and travels a lot. Please be careful if/when performing any of these activities.*

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, as they say where there is a will there is a way!


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