
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Training Tuesday - Tough Mudder

My trainer is putting together a team for an upcoming Tough Mudder event, and she's trying to convince me to join the team. Wait.....WHAT?!?!

A Tough Mudder is "a hardcore 10-12 mile obstacle course designed by British Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie." Basically, its the hardest race/event you will ever do as a civilian. Here are my thoughts...

1. 10-12 miles, are you serious?! I can do a 5k with no problem, but thats a smidge over 3 miles.
2. The obstacles could include (but are not limited to):

  • A 15 foot jump into icy cold water
  • Running through fire
  • Sprinting through live electric wires
  • Scaling 12 foot walls
  • Running/crawling/jumping in mud
3. Embarrassment. What if I can't do something? What if I fall flat on my face?

1. Proving to myself that I can handle anything and that I am in amazing shape.
2. Developing some solid relationships with the people on the team.
3. Bragging rights.

I actually know another trainer that is doing the Tough Mudder and he has put together a training group to help prepare for the event. He's doing group sessions each Saturday morning for the next 4 weeks. Unfortunately, I can only possibly make 2 of the 4 weeks, but I am going this Saturday to see what he has people doing to gear up. Hopefully that will help me decide, since I need to register by August 31 before the entry fee goes up.

Do you know anyone that has done a Tough Mudder? Any thoughts/advice/insight?


  1. My husband did the tough mudder in May and it was prettttty intense! The cold water part is what would get me. But if you're into it - I think you should go for it - it's definitely an awesome challenge :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  2. Oh my gosh - my hubby and I have been planning to do it in SLC in October and have been training for it. Now the hubs isn't sure he can get the time off due to scheduling conflicts at work. I'm PRAYING it all works out so we can do it and say that we finished it - together. :)

    1. REALLY!?! I hope it all works out. What have you guys been doing to to train?? I'm super nervous and unsure and would love any tips!

  3. OMG - I was all, yeah, no ... then I got to the electric wires part and was all HELL NO! You are a rockstar for doing it though and I can't wait to hear how it goes!

    1. Yeah, that is one of my huge fears! That sh*t will hurt!

  4. If you do join good luck!! I give everyone who does those so much credit because I know I would struggle with that! haha


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