
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Training Tuesday - Sore Muscles

Since I travel for work, I don't always have control over my schedule. And last week was a crazy week where I worked long hours, then went to dinner with co-workers directly after work. Which means I didn't get a good workout in. Granted, thats not an excuse, but its just what happened. I was gone Monday through Friday, and the only workout I managed to squeeze in was a 30 minute treadmill run on Tuesday morning.

Of course, trying to make up for my lack of workouts, I hit the gym hard on Saturday morning. I had a jam packed day Saturday (hair appointment, wedding dress shopping with the sis, making birthday dinner for Mom), but I scheduled my workout for 8am sharp. If felt good to be back, but let me tell you, I learned a valuable lesson. I can't take off basically an entire week and expect to jump right back in at the same speed/weight/routine! As soon as I started doing my squats, I KNEW I was going to be sore!  

I made it through 3 circuits then 7 sprints. I cut things short due to time and knowing that if I pushed myself over the edge, I wouldn't be able to workout Sunday. I felt fine durning the day Saturday but we were pretty busy so I didn't have time to think about being sore. When bedtime rolled around Saturday night, my muscles reminded me of my morning workout! Thankfully I now keep a tube of cold/hot cream by my bed for these exact situations.

If you're new to working out, or if you're training hard for something (like my Tough Mudder) I highly recommend getting some cold/hot cream. It helps ease the tension in sore muscles and I'm much better after 1-2 nights of use. 

I was pretty sore Sunday morning, plus my mom was in town, so it was the perfect combo of excuses to skip an early morning workout. But I was determined to squeeze one in, so I sent my sis a text message to meet me at the gym at 2:30pm (our gym closes at 4pm on Sundays). When we got there, it was EMPTY, which was perfect for us. I was able to complete 4 circuits while also helping my sister complete a 4 circuit workout. And she only complained once! ;-)

If you're into fitness, how did you get started? Do you have a workout buddy?


  1. Thanks for this post. I went wake boarding for about 3 minutes a couple days ago and still can not move at all lol.

    1. I've never done wakeboarding but I've water skied and that is definitely a challenge! Hope you recover quickly!

  2. I stopped running after my marathon and then went straight into a long run, bad idea!

  3. Well, I'm so ashamed to admit that I hardly exercise! Sometime back I used to hit the gym, but no longer! I know I need to start working out asap!!
    Juneli from Fashionably Yours

  4. Physical exercise is important for maintaining physical fitness and can contribute positively to maintaining a healthy weight, building and maintaining healthy bone density, muscle strength, and joint mobility, promoting physiological well being, reducing surgical risks, and strengthening the immune system. Thanks.


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