
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Training Tuesday - Tough Mudder Course Map

My Tough Mudder is on Sunday and the final course map has been posted online. And I'm officially freaking out! There are a total of 21 obstacles over 10-12 miles (not sure on the exact distance). Here's what I will be enduring in 5 days:

*all photos from
  1. Kiss of Mud #1
  2. Artic Enema (SO not excited about this one...BRRR!)
  3. Berlin Walls #1
  4. Dirty Ballerina
  5. Bale Bonds
  6. Trench Warfare
  7. Fire Walker
  8. Mud Mile
  9. Log Jammin' (going over and under logs)
  10. King of the Mountain (YouTube video)
  11. Kiss of Mud #2 (guess they want to make sure we are extra muddy!)
  12. Hold Your Wood
  13. Electric Eel (seriously?!)
  14. Berlin Walls #2
  15. Hangin' Tough 
  16. Boa Constrictor
  17. Walk the Plank
  18. Everest
  19. Warrior Carry (hmm, no idea what this one is!)
  20. Funky Monkey
  21. Electroshock Therapy 

So, I figured the race would start muddy and it would end with the Electroshock Therapy. I was really hoping that I wouldn't see the Electric Eel, but alas, I am getting not 1 but 2 chances to be shocked with as much as 10,000 volts of electricity. Awesome. (Can you hear the sarcasm??) 

What is weird is I am a bit disappointed that there are repeats of obstacles. I was hoping to see something like Devil's Beard or Spiders Web. I'm not really sure why, but the nets look cool and challenging.

Right now, I'm feeling scared and intimidated. I'm sure once we all get there, I will be excited and amped. Its just daunting to look at that list! But I am trying to be confident that my training (and adrenaline) will kick in on site.

Which obstacles would you be most intimidated by? Any last minute advice?!


  1. I would be intimidated by all of this! I've had some friends who have done this and they all loved it- good luck!

    Life Unsweetened

  2. GOOD LUCK! I've heard it's a blast!

  3. My husband did the TM in May and it looked AWESOME! Tough, but awesome, and they totally pump you up beforehand...good luck :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  4. Replies
    1. Aw, Thanks Sky! I wish you and your hubby could have done it so I know what I'm up against!

  5. quite a few of my friends recently competed in the tough mudder, and i give them so much credit! it looks insane, but what a cool accomplishment. good luck!

    1. Thanks Danielle! I'm sure it will be insane, but I'll be so happy when its complete.

  6. You go girl! I have absolutely NO upper body strength, so I would probably be face down in the mud from the first step! You rock, and can totally do this! Can't wait to hear about your experience from the other side!

    1. I don't have much upper body strength either, but I've been working on it. Thanks Jessica!


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