
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Training Tuesday - Thanksgiving Fitness

This Thanksgiving was filled with both fun fitness and good food. I am very blessed to have my parents live only two hours from where I live, so I decided to do some exciting fitness challenges before I hit the road for the holiday. 

On Wednesday evening, I worked out with my trainer. Then on Thursday morning, I ran the Thanksgiving Day 10k race with her! She is an amazing athlete and we encouraged each other during the entire race. I have only run at 5k before, so 6.2 miles was intimidating to me. At each mile, we high-fived each other for continuing to run and not give up. My goal was to run the entire race, and that is exactly what we did! We even sprinted the last 2-tenths of a mile over the finish line, which was a fantastic feeling! It was a fun challenge. 

Danielle and I wore both wore our Tough Mudder headbands to keep our ears warm, and I was surprised at how many other people had done one recently. There were lots of shout outs from people that saw our headbands as we were warming up. We had a chat with 2 different people while lining up for the race, then had one guy talk to us during mile 5 of the race! It was crazy awesome. 

After the race, I went home, showered and packed up my car, and made the 2 hour drive to my parent's house. They welcomed me home with open arms and lots of food! Our Thanksgiving meal was AMAZING. And yes, it was served on Christmas china. :-)

After the big meal, I spent lots of time relaxing with my wonderful parents. Then I passed out early since I woke up early to do the race. Plus, I had to set an alarm to do a workout at church with my mom! 

My mom was so excited to invite me to the "Black Friday Fat Blast" at the church/school since she knows I love working out. My hips and knees were sore on Thursday and Friday from the 10k, but I powered through the pain because both my mom and I were looking forward to the Fat Blast. 

We had thought that the workout would be set up as stations and we could stay at which ever station we liked or switch stations. However, it ended up being 30 minutes of each instructor teaching their section. We did the first 3 workouts (Pilates, Ripped, Fit Camp). They must have mixed up the Zumba and LTG (Legs, Tummy, Glutes) because we left before Zumba. Unfortunately, my mother and I both have 0 coordination, so we skipped the embarrassment of trying Zumba. However, I did snap some pictures while Zumba was happening!

I was looking forward to the Yoga section since my muscles were sore from the 10k, but the Yoga instructor was sick that morning and couldn't make it. I was surprised at the turnout, there were about 35 people there. It was a great fundraiser for the school/church. And there were door prizes between each workout, Mom and I both won! (Mom won the SkinnyGirl, I was very jealous)

When we got home, I made us a quick snack of Fage 0% Greek yogurt, chia seeds, banana, and almonds. Then we headed off for some Black Friday shopping!

Did you do any fitness for the holiday?!


  1. Zumba is so much fun! Get together with friends and try a class. Even If you are uncoordinated, it's fun to laugh at each other and its a great workout!! Glad you had a great thanksgiving!

  2. You are inspiring!!


  3. One of my fiance's best friends back home is a personal trainer, so we usually work out with him at least once or twice when we go back. I was traveling home the next day so I specifically asked him to take it easy on me, but I'm STILL sore form that session!


  4. Congrats on running the 10k - that's awesome! And that fitness extravaganza looks so fun :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  5. What a wonderful few days and congrats on your race!!! When I lived in Nashville, there was a really fun 5k (walking more than running - lol) that I used to do Thanksgiving day - it always felt so good to get a good workout in before the gluttony started. It's so great that your family is close, and they sound like a blast. :)

  6. You are a serious machine!!! I need you to move next door to me so you can get my butt in gear!! LOL!

  7. Congrats on the race! You go girl!
    I need some of your motivation...please send some my way ;)

  8. Look at you girl!! Way to go! I actually did 30 minutes of walking on the treadmill with a girlfriend from my hometown over the weekend.. doesn't exactly compare to you! LOL

    You asked about the Chevron sweater in my post today.. believe it or not- I got it at JC Penney's on Black Friday!! JCP has stepped up their style!

  9. Congrats ! you go ! My respects to you - my new hero !

    Xo Amy,
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