
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Random Wednesday Wishes - Home Edition

It's that time again! Link up time with Shanna from Because Shanna Said So! (caution: numbers 2-5 all go together and are a bit depressing...but I tried to lighten it up with the rest!!)

1. Today is my Daddy's birthday! Even MORE is MY 1/2 BIRTHDAY!!! (Yes, I still claim my 1/2 birthday at 29 1/2. Yes, I realize that my Dad's full birthday IS more important...barely.) Happy Birthday to the BEST man in my life! :-)

2. Last week my house was robbed. Again. I'm pretty sure it was the same person/people coming back for the stuff they didn't get the first time. Seeing this text message and then listening to a similar voicemail...yeah, that sucks.

3. I must say that I have the World's Best Family. My mom instantly called my sister's fiance Kyle, then his parents, and Kyle called Alicia. Kyle was at my house before I was, then Alicia and Kyle's parents were there shortly after. And my mom sent my dad up (a 2 hour drive) to stay with me for the night. Seriously, I'm surrounded by angels.

4. Yes, the alarm system will be installed shortly.

5. On to happier things! I have been (slowly) working on redecorating my mantel ever since I was inspired by Danavee's post here on This Vintage Grove. I stopped into Target on Sunday to find that a piece I've had my eye on was on sale! I'm so excited about the key!

And I'm still working on my art project, but it needs "something." Any ideas? I'm thinking a chevron pattern...if I can figure out how to do it!

SO...I need help. I want to have a fun creative fireplace, but let me show you what we're working with:

Here's my boring fireplace. The tile is hideous  I'm not a huge fan of the stone, and the mirror is fixed to the wall. I like my fireplace screen, and the wood mantel, but that's about it. One good thing however, is its basically a blank canvas!

I think I will lay the key across the mantel, and put the "A" on one side. I'm also thinking about making the existing mirror look like this:

I also found this on mantel decoration layout on Pinterest and I've been trying to use it as a guide....

Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? 

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