
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Protein Pancakes

When I lived at home, weekend breakfasts were always a big deal. We would usually have one of the following: chocolate chip waffles, chocolate chip pancakes, or french toast. My family is from New York State so we always have a supply of real maple syrup in the house (I still cannot have fake syrup, and yes I can tell the difference if blind-folded).

Now I'm a big girl, living on my own, and watching my food intake. Not to say that the occasional splurge on a big breakfast is bad, but I have found a recipe for pancakes that is not only tasty, but healthy! I don't remember how I found this recipe, but ever since I have, I've made these about once a month as a Sunday morning treat. 

Protein Pancakes via Your Inner Skinny - I usually cut the recipe in half if its just me (or even cut it a little more, I don't measure things exactly with this one). I can get 2-3 pancakes out of the mix, and it is SUPER filling. I added blueberries to this one. YUMMY!

And now I'm craving them! Guess who's having pancakes this weekend?! THIS GIRL!


  1. Holy crap, those look amazing! I think I just found out what I'm eating Sunday morning for breakfast.

  2. They are amazing! Let me know how you like them!!

  3. Stop it! Those look amazing!

    Weekend breakfasts were always a huge deal at my house too! You then learn when you get on your own that those big breakfasts, don't make themselves! Harsh reality.... Ha

    Love your blog and thank you for stopping by mine!

    It's an Easy Life


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