
Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Do you ever just have a time in your life where you feel like you're spinning out of control? Where you have so much going on that all you want to do is curl up into a ball until the storm passes? I feel like that right now. Maybe its a slight touch of depression mixed with lots of anxiety, but I just feel like the world is throwing everything possible at me to see if it can get me to crack.

No need to be alarmed, I'm not going to do anything to harm myself or others. I will say that my sister and my friends that have listened to be rant are more valuable than gold right now.  As much as I wish I could be a private person and keep things to myself, I can't. I feel the need to talk about everything, get advice, bounce ideas around.

So what exactly is going on? Well, my personal life is in shambles. Love sucks, let me just say that. 

Also, I can't get into specifics, but lets just say that work is stressful (per usual). I'm seriously considering asking to move to a position that is a little less demanding.  I'm trying to gauge if its the right fit for me, and if its worth trying to switch.

I had the best intentions to keep my blog semi-private and to not get too personal, but I had to vent to a different source tonight other than my friends. Sometimes its nice to just put your feelings out there without judgement/feedback.