
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Zodiac Comedy

A friend of mine purchased 2 Zodiac sign magnets at a shop the other day. One was her sign and one was her boyfriend's sign. She took a picture of the magnets side-by-side and it was comical to read the word association on each magnet. It matched each of them to a T! Another friend and I went to dinner with the couple and my friend mentioned the magnets. We looked up the website to find our own zodiac signs, only to discover that the website offers two versions of each sign: one "naughty" and one "nice." Now, I'm sure you can imagine which one she purchased for her sign and which she purchased for her beau. ;-) It was funny to hear his reaction to the two magnets! It was also entertaining to hear the summaries for both my friend's and my own signs. Here's mine!
Now, the people that know me will probably agree that the "naughty" magnet describes me better than the "nice" magnet. Although there are a few words on the "nice" magnet that are very much my personality. I have never really been one of those people to read my horoscope and think that the 26th will be my lucky day this month or any of that. However, I do think that astrological signs can be very descriptive of one's personality.

Did you look up your magnet? Are you more "naughty" or "nice?"


  1. I just looked at mine (Aquarius) and the nice version definitely fits - exept the "Perfect in every way" part - haha, let's not kid ourselves! ;)

    You should add the follow widget to your blog - only because I forget to check bloglovin'. ;)

  2. OH, and you have to let me know what color you decide to go with if you order those heels from ZARA!

  3. Glad you liked the magnets, they are so fun. And thanks for the tip, Skylette! I will add that widget.

    I think I'm going to go with the nude/orange heels in 6 1/2. I usually wear a 7 but apparently they don't do 7. *crossing fingers* I will do a post when I get them :-)


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