
Monday, June 4, 2012

Better Than "Daddy" Cake

Have you ever had something that tasted SO good, you would give up something else to have it again? That's kinda the idea behind "Better Than Daddy Cake" which is more commonly known as "Better Than Sex Cake." But when you're a mother making this cake for a birthday of one of your young daughters, its better to replace sex with daddy. Years later when my sister and I found the recipe, we were a little shocked, but its funny now.

Anyway, how do you make such a dessert that is better than sex?! Well, its quite easy! You need:

  • a boxed chocolate cake mix (I use devil's food)
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 cup oil (I used applesauce instead of oil, healthier but tastes the same)
  • 1 1/4 cups water
  • 1 jar carmel or butterscotch topping 
  • Cool Whip
  • 3 Heath bars
Bake the cake per the box directions. Once its baked, take it out of the oven and let it cool for a minute or two. In this time, heat up the topping in the microwave. Use a straw to poke holes in the cake, then drizzle the topping into the holes. You can usually go back through a second time to use up all of the topping. Its ok to have some left over on the top.

Once the cake has completely cooled, top it with the Cool Whip. You can make this as thick or as thin as you like. After the Cool Whip is on, crush up the Heath bars and sprinkle them on top. There is no exact science to this, just throw them on there!

I added some cinnamon candies in an attempt to make a heart (fail!) but its the thought that counts!  Personally, I think the cake is better the next day, the carmel makes it SO moist and yummy! And ya know, sometimes cake is better than sex ;-)


  1. YUMM This sounds soo good! I can't wait to try it out!
    Great post, just found your blog!


    1. Let me know how you like it. But just a warning, its SO good you will want to eat it all!

      Thanks for stopping by! I will check out your blog too, always like making new blogger friends :-)

  2. oh my gosh that looks amazing!


    wardrobe girls

    1. Thanks! I'm not big on cake, unless its this cake!

  3. Looks delicious!:)

  4. Wow, looks yummy!! Will sure try it out! Thanks a lot for stopping by and commenting!
    Juneli from Fashionably Yours


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