
Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Engagement

Last weekend was crazy. C.R.A.Z.Y. I was a ball of emotions, all for good reason. My little sister (Alicia) got engaged! I am getting a little brother (Kyle), I can't believe it!!

So, I found out about the surprise about 4 weeks ago because Kyle had done the gentlemanly thing by asking my parents permission (awww!). My mom called me to let me in on the surprise, and to check my schedule. I am a VERY busy person, but thankfully the weekend that he wanted to pop the question was a weekend I was open. The reason I needed to be available was because Kyle also wanted to have a surprise engagement party after he proposed (awww!!).

Now, me being the big sister, I am very protective of my little sis. We fought as kids and we still fight sometimes now, but its all out of love.  I was not the biggest fan of Kyle in the beginning (they have been together for 3 years) but when I found out he wanted to be part of our crazy family, I figured I might as well make an effort to like him. So, I invited Kyle to meet me for coffee and a chat. Thankfully that went well and he let me help plan part of the surprise party.

Over the next 3 weeks, I have been calling/texting/emailing my sister's girlfriends as well as my mom about party stuff. My mom also chatted with Kyle's mom about details since Kyle's family live in Ohio and my parents live about 2 hours away. Thankfully, most of Alicia's friends were available to come to the party (and more importantly, they kept the secret!!!).

On Friday night, my sister came over to my house for a "sister date." We do these every few weeks to have dinner, watch tv or play Wii, and just catch up together. It was so hard to keep a straight face! We watched a few episodes of "Four Weddings" and "Say Yes to the Dress"...not abnormal for us, but a challenge to not say "I can't wait to start planning your wedding!!!!" I was also hoping she would get tired and leave early so I could bake a cake for the lucky couple. Of course, she left at 10:30pm, which after working all day, I didn't feel like baking a cake.

So, Saturday morning I woke up at 6:30 (I usually wake up early, but this was crazy early for me). What does one do when you wake up early on a Saturday? Bake a cake, of course! This wasn't just any cake, this was "Better Than Daddy Cake!" I added cinnamon dots to make a heart...hehee! It doesn't look the prettiest, but it tasted DAMN GOOD!

This is the cake my mom made. It was super cute, but definitely more for show. 
Mine won the taste test (not that I'm competitive! *wink*).

The rest of my day was NON-STOP. Car wash, gym, grocery store, shower, yard work, parents arrival, shower again, call the girls to make sure they are on their way, get ready, then head to my sister's apartment to meet her friends. Kyle had planned an all day date for Alicia so they were going to be busy. Once all the girls arrived, we car pooled over to Kyle's place for the party. He had been texting me and his mother all day with little updates. Finally around 6pm, the text came saying "She said yes, let's party!" I was so excited, my mom was crying, everyone had smiles on.

Alicia started making phone calls to family while they were on their way to the party. First she called my mom, but she didn't answer because normally at that time, mom and dad would have been in church. Then she called our Grandmother, who was beyond excited (she knew, but pretended she didn't for the surprise sake). Then Alicia tried to call my dad, who again didn't answer. I was phone call #4. I had to run up the stairs so I could be somewhere quiet to talk to her, but as we were chatting, I saw the car pull up. I freaked out and hung up on my sister! I felt terrible, but I had to run downstairs to announce the arrival of the newly engaged couple!

When Alicia walked in the door, she was beyond shocked. She instantly started crying, and cried more at each face she recognized. Her friends drove hours to be with her and Kyle on their day, and she was overwhelmed.

After all of the hugs, showing off the BLING, and telling the "popping of the question" story, it was time to party!

THE RING! Exactly what she wanted.

The happy couple! 

I am so happy that my little sister has found someone that makes her this happy. And I am getting the little brother than I always knew I would get ;-) Congratulations to Kyle and Alicia!! 

Now, time to plan an awesome, fun, beautiful wedding!

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