
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hump Day Smiles

Wednesday is sometimes called "hump day"...which can be looked at positively or negatively. Positive = only 2 more days after today! Negative = there are 3 more days til the weekend. Its like a glass half full or half empty thing.

Today, I'm looking at it half full. Why? Well, I read a positive post from Jerod Morris on Primility about gratitude yesterday which helped me realize that I need to stop and be more thankful for the good things. Also, I had a nice little conversation in the hotel gym this morning!  It went like this:

Random Guy: What are you training for?
Me: Nothing.
RG: Really?! I've never seen someone train that hard if it weren't "for something."
Me: Nope, just trying to stay fit on the road.
RG: Well, looks like you've succeeded in that.
Me: Thanks!

Sometimes its the little things like a compliment from a nice stranger that put a smile on your face. Hopefully I can carry that with me all day today! 

What's positive about your Wednesday?!


  1. That's awesome kiddo! Is there anything more to the RG story? That sounds like the beginning of a great conversation, not the end of one. ;-)

    1. Nope, nothing more to the convo. But I appreciated the kind words and the blog inspiration!


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