
Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I just want to say sorry for not posting anything in a week. I'm on "vacation," which means I'm hanging out with my family, but still taking work phone calls. Ugh. Obviously, I'm not a good enough blogger yet to have "guest posts" but maybe one day...

Maybe I will get some downtime tomorrow to write a post or two. For now, I'm going to bed!! Hope you all have a fabulous July 4th! 


  1. Hope you're enjoying your little vacation! No worries on posting, that's the fun in this bloggin' gig!

    Here are the specifics from my guest post on Corinne's site:
    H&M dress
    Gucci Fedora
    Brahim Marilyn Polka Dot Backpack
    Modcloth Sunset Slopes Wedges

    Hope you have a great rest of the week!

    It's an Easy Life

    1. Thanks doll! I brought my laptop on vaca thinking I would blog, but I've had too much fun hanging with my family and reading that I've only opened it once!

      And thanks for the info on your post! NEED to check out those pieces!



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