
Monday, July 9, 2012

Theme Days

A few of the blogs I follow have "theme days" where they post specific things on a specific day. One of my favorites is "Awkward and Awesome Thursday" from It's An Easy Life. Amanda's weekly posts remind me that its ok to laugh at yourself, and also to appreciate the good things that happen during the week.

So, I have been inspired to try to do 2 theme days each week. The first is "Training Tuesday" where I will talk about fitness related things. My goal is to try new fitness activities and to inspire others to try new things or just get up and DO something!

The second is "Wednesday Wishes" where I will share some items on my wish list. They can be anything from fashion pieces, to personal wishes, to things for the home.

I hope you all enjoy my two new theme days. More importantly, I hope I can keep up with them! I feel like I start this blog with the best intentions, then life got in the way. I need to be more consistent. I am going to be a better blogger! :-)

*Disclaimer - I am not a personal trainer or nutrition expert. Just a girl who likes to workout and eat right. Consult your doctor before starting any workout routine or making dietary changes.

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