
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Training Tuesday - Modifications

This is my first "Training Tuesday" post...hope you guys enjoy!

While on vacation last week, I (thankfully!) had access to a local college gym. They charged $5 for a day pass, so I went Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. My sister joined me on Monday and Thursday, and my mom joined me on Tuesday. Since the gym was closed on Wednesday for the holiday, I convinced my mom to go on a walk with me. We probably did 3.5-4 miles, but we didn't measure it. Then my sister and I went for a 5 mile jog/walk on Friday.

Since I was in a different gym with different equipment, I wasn't able to do my normal HIIT workout. So I improvised. I did a 3 minute warmup on the treadmill. After I did 3 sets of each exercise, then did 3 30-second sprints. I was able to get in 3 rounds of exercises and sprints in an hour.

1st set - chest press, walking lunges, squat jump taps w/ a bench (do 3x through)
3 30-second sprints (30 seconds on, 30 seconds off)
2nd set - lunge/shoulder press, step up/lateral raise,  lat pull down (do 3x through)
3 30-second sprints 
3rd set - 90 degree crunches (with medicine ball on legs), sidekicks, hip extensions 
3 30-second sprints

I also modified my workout to make a similar workout for my sister and my mom. My mom isn't much on working out, so when I did a combo exercise, I had her just do one exercise. And her "sprints on the treadmill" were more of a fast walk/slow jog. For my sister, I did some combos with lower weight, and some single exercises. She did great on the treadmill with sprints.

I really enjoyed being a trainer for the week! However, I am not a real personal trainer. As always, consult your doctor before starting a workout regimen.

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