
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Training Tuesday - P90X

By now, just about everyone has heard about P90X. I feel like I'm one of the only people that hasn't tried it yet!

My friend Ashley has an amazing blog called Self Soul Space. She is a wife, mother, model, actress, spokesperson, former Miss Teen USA, and a very busy traveler. Ashley is doing P90X for the second time and is blogging about her experience.  She says its great for people that travel because it doesn't require a lot of space or equipment.

I have 2 main concerns about starting P90X. The first is my ability to stick with it. I realize I've had a personal trainer for over 2 years, and I continue to see her because she keeps me accountable for my workouts. If I don't work out between sessions, I don't perform at the same level with my trainer. My other concern is actually doing the exercises properly. My trainer is great at tweaking my form to ensure I am doing the moves properly as well as not injure myself.

What are your thoughts on P90X? Have you done it? Have you seen results?


  1. Thanks for the blog shout out!! Honestly, both of your concerns were mine the first time around... so, I started with a buddy, even if we didn't workout together, we called/texted to confirm we completed the workouts. and as far as doing them correctly, I just followed the rule, monkey see monkey do... If it didn't feel right, I just adjusted the position. You can do it, try it... you might like it!!

    1. Thanks Ashley! Maybe I will convince my sister to be my "buddy"


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