
Monday, July 30, 2012


This weekend seemed like it went by in a flash, doesn't it?! I traveled all week, so when I got home on Friday, I went straight to a TRX class, home to shower and eat, then to a MUCH needed 1.5 hour massage.

After that, I was relaxed and ready for bed. When I returned home, my parents were at my house watching the opening ceremony for the Olympics. I only saw a few parts, but it was hands down one of the strangest things I have ever seen.

In the morning, I was planning on hitting the gym, but ended up taking a 17.3 mile bike ride with two of my college guy friends. It was great to get some fresh air, catch up with the boys, and get a solid workout in.

Afterwards, I went to help my sister and her fiance move/organize their new rental house. Its SO cute! This was also the reason my parents were in town this weekend. By the time I got to the house, my dad, my future brother-in-law, and one of his friends were unloading big items from the rented truck. My mom, sister, and her future mother-in-law were in the house cleaning and organizing. I helped for a little bit, then I was tasked with picking up lunch. I almost wasn't trusted with such an important task. My dad said "I would send AJ to the store, but she'll probably just buy healthy food." HAHA! The guys requested brats, so thats what I got them. However, I bought a package of beer brats then a package of chicken/pork brats because they had 35% fat. It was "healthy food" just for my daddy ;-) My sis and I had chicken and veggie kabobs. Somehow I ended up manning the grill, and I must say, I am quite the grill master!

After lunch, we all went back to cleaning/organizing/moving. Also during this time, my uncle, aunt, and paternal grandmother decided to come down for a quick visit. Definitely wasn't the best timing, but it ended up turning out ok. My uncle has a small Cessna plane that he came in and he ended up taking me for a quick ride to take some arial pictures of my house. You don't get that offer every day!

While we were up in the air, everyone else was getting cleaned up for dinner. My extended family took off, and I headed to meet my parents, sis, her finance and his parents for dinner at a favorite local pizza place.  Seven people and three large pizzas?! We may have gone a bit over board!

At dinner I received one of the biggest surprises/honors ever! When we were unpacking boxes earlier in the day, I noticed that my sister had lots of pictures of her with her friends, or with some family members, but I was only in one or two. At dinner my sister said "I think I found a frame to put a picture of us in...but it might look better at your house." And this is what she gave me....

As I read it, the tears started! My sister asked me to be her maid of honor! I shared her engagement story, and now I will be sharing lots of fun wedding planning over the next 13 months. YAY!! That was basically the BEST part of the weekend. 

Sunday consisted of a morning workout at the gym, then my first MOH task. My sister, my mom, and her finance's mom hit a bridal show downtown. A little wedding dress fashion show, plenty of walking around, and LOTS of vendors later, I think we have 2 potential vendors for music/lighting and for a cake. My sis is actually hoping to do cupcakes, and this place had GREAT flavors and good pricing. 

More to come on wedding fun, but I cannot express how excited I am to be her MOH! :-)


  1. OMG! Flying in that lane would have FREAKED me out! You are one brave, lady! And yay for being the Maid of Honor in your sister's wedding! So exciting!!! What a fab weekend!! Cheers to a great week!

    1. Haha, its not bad. My uncle has been flying for over 30 years, and I've been up in his plane several times. I was great!

      And yes, my weekend was beyond fab! :-)

  2. What a crazy busy weekend but that is so great you get to be your sister's maid of honor!! I would have teared up too.

    1. I'm beyond excited! I hope I live up to her expectations!!

  3. congrats on being MOH -- I was just my best friends and its truly an honor! xo

  4. How sweet! What a special time for you and your sister!


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