
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday Wishes - Post Vacation

1. I wish I were still on vacation. I spent last week in Northern NY with my grandparents, my parents, my little sister and her fiance. I was not originally planning on going because I already took a vacation to Japan in April/May, but I finally realized that sometimes family comes before work. So I ended up surprising my grandparents and going on the vacation. TOTALLY worth it! Plus, I feel like it strengthened my relationship with my little sister and her fiance. YAY!

2. I wish I could tan and not burn! Thankfully, I did tan a little bit and didn't burn on vacation last week. However, that is not usually the case. I am WHITE, like Kasper white, especially my legs. I am careful to wear sunscreen like its my job (30-50 SPF, thanks!). I also preach it to my family, mostly unsuccessfully. But I have found a solution....Tan Towels! These are great! They are inexpensive and don't turn me orange. I usually get the half body for just doing my legs.

3. I wish I knew how to properly do my makeup. When I started work 7 years ago, I just wore under eye concealer (damn dark circles!) and blush. Then I had a manager tell me that I should wear a little more makeup to look more professional. Now, I still take about 5 minutes to do my makeup, but I wear a little bit of eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, under eye concealer, blush and lipstick. BUT, I wish I could wear makeup like a grownup. I still feel like I am very basic. In my attempt to branch out, I enjoy reading Nicole Reviews Beauty. Nicole buys all of the products she reviews and she does ALL kinds of makeup in all price ranges. I have a list of products that I want to try from Nicole's reviews!

What are your Wednesday Wishes?? 

1 comment:

  1. Oh where do I even begin? I wish I could stress and not breakout like a teenager!


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