
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Training Tuesday - BrewCity Crossfit

This past weekend I was in Milwaukee for a girlfriend's bachelorette party. Two of my girlfriends and I drove up on Friday to spend the night with the bride-to-be, then we all hung out Saturday before the big night. I knew I couldn't workout Friday, but I did pack some workout clothes for Saturday in hopes of hitting the gym/going for a jog. The future bride has always been a runner, but has recently started going to Crossfit with her fiancĂ©. When I asked if we could go to Crossfit before going to brunch, my friend was beyond excited, especially since Saturday morning classes are usually partner workouts (which sounded fun!).

Brittany and I woke up around 7:30am and had a small breakfast, then headed to BrewCity Crossfit for the 9am class. There were a total of 10 people, including myself and Brittany, so the team WOD worked perfectly. We warmed up with a jog around a large building outside, then did a few warmup moves inside and stretched. Then Andy explained the workout:

Each team kept track of how many rounds they could complete in the 10 minutes, then how many burpees total between the two partners. Since I had done most of the moves before, I was pretty confident that we would be fine.

Let's just say that I'm very glad we went to the early morning class because it got hot outside very quickly. Those last couple runs outside were killer, then 3 minutes of burpees inside a non-air conditioned room was difficult. When we were finished, we both were dripping with sweat, but felt accomplished and ready to take on the day!

Have you ever done Crossfit? Have you worked out with a friend?


  1. Oh I haven't tried Crossfit yet but everyone that has says results appear pretty darn quick! You are so committed to your health and THAT is extremely admirable. Usually when I travel it's all too easy to sleep in or blame not getting a workout in on the kids. ;)

    1. I have done Crossfit a few other times, its SUPER intense! This workout was hard, but it was also fun since I was working with my friend. Maybe you and your hubs should check it out!


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