
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Training Tuesday - cycling

Usually Saturday and Sunday are my two solid morning workout days. I get up, have some breakfast, then hit the gym hard. However, the past few weekends, one of my friends has asked me to go biking with him. He lives in an area that has lots of people that ride bikes, mostly road bikes. I feel a little out of the group since I have a hybrid bike, but its so nice to be outside early on a weekend morning.

(my bike! isn't she pretty?!)

We usually ride 17 miles, which to road bikers is not a lot. I've ridden more than that in one ride before, but this ride has some small hills so the 17 miles is a great workout! This is an awesome activity to do alone, with some friends, or with your family.

When was the last time you rode a bike?

1 comment:

  1. Your bike is awesome, and I have to admit that I cant remember the last time I rode a bike... but I think it was about 4 days ago or so --not too bad ^^

    xo, L
    PS: Be sure to check out my latest post ;3


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