
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wednesday Wishes - Home Wishes

1. Kitchen Project - My kitchen has been a never ending project. I started with new appliances (in waves) then my wonderful mother came and transformed my scary dark, ugly wood cabinets by painting them a beautiful shade of white. Then I took a break from home improvement up until 3 weeks ago.  We have been spackling, sanding, and priming the walls...which also means I have dust everywhere (no matter how much I try to clean!) and I feel like it might never get done! Hopefully the painting will be complete in about 2 weeks when I'm actually home and my mom can come help me bang out the painting. After that, the kitchen just needs new tile floors and new counter tops then it will be D-O-N-E!

2. New Mattress - I have had the same mattress for at least 7 years. And since it was a hand-me-down mattress from my parents, the thing is at least 10 years old. Definitely time for an upgrade, but have you seen the prices/choices for mattresses?! I realize that people say "you use it every day" but I actually don't since I travel so much! I do know that a good night's sleep is very important. I also have noticed that my shoulder has been sore when I wake up (which it already has issues, but I think the mattress is multiplying the feeling). Any suggestions for mattresses?!

3. A Cleaning Service - I'm pretty sure that everyone would put this on a "wish list" if they had unlimited funds (and if you enjoy cleaning and don't want a cleaning service, we are NOT friends!). I really have no idea how my house gets so messy/dirty when I'm not here most of the time, but it does. I think I should look into pricing for someone to come to my house 1-2 times a month. When I am home, I really don't want to spend all of my time cleaning!

What are your Wednesday Wishes for your home?


  1. Cleaning company....sign me up!!! I just can't keep it clean...I think the Mess Fairy visits us every night! ;/

  2. Oh my goodness, I moved in with my boyfriend in November and we've still barely done anything with the place. I was all excited about it beforehand and we bought some stuff, but since actually moving in I've done zero decorating! I want to live in a cute, stylish home but I don't have the talent or the energy for it. So I guess my wish is for an insta-home makeover.

    1. Congrats on moving in with the man! Who knows, maybe you guys can plan a weekend that you can both decorate the place together??


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