
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Training Tuesday - Fitness Bucket List

I have recently started following Julie from Peanut Butter Fingers, a blog about living a life fueled by healthy food and fitness. I absolutely love her positive attitude, approach to food, and her adorable dog, Saddie! While stalking her blog, I found a post about her Fitness Bucket List which inspired me to come up with my own list....

1. Complete a Color Run.

This may sound silly, but this is a fun goal. I would love to do a Color Run or Color Me Rad race sometime! I mean, how fun would it be to start a 5k in a plain white t-shirt and end it with a colored mess?!

2. Complete a 10k race. 

Again, this may sound silly to some people, but I have only done 5k races. I really want complete a 10k, running the entire race. I'm not a "runner" so I think this is a legitimate goal.

3. Create my own HIIT/Tabata workouts.

Since I travel so much, HIIT and Tabata are great options to do in a hotel gym or even my hotel room. I want to use my current fitness knowledge to create some fun and challenging workouts.  Maybe I could even post a few on Pinterest?!

4. Become more loyal to yoga.

I am *horrible* at yoga. I am very tense, I have tight muscles, and I have 0 flexibility. These are all reasons that I should be going to yoga, but they are also reasons that its SUPER challenging for me.  Ideally, I would love to have a few personal yoga sessions, but I'm not sure I'm ready for that. Group yoga will have to do for now.

5. Complete P90X

I know I've talked about it before, and its still on the "to do" list...P90X!

6. Complete a Warrior Dash or Tough Mudder.

I just blogged last week about the fact that my trainer has put together a team for the Tough Mudder, and I know several friends that have completed a Warrior Dash. It looks like the Warrior Dash is a mini version of the Tough Mudder, so I kinda wish I would have completed one of those first. Then again, go big or go home, right?!

7. Become a certified personal trainer/nutrition specialist/group fitness instructor.  

I have a full time job. But if I could do anything and not worry about money, it would involve fitness and food. I feel like there are SO many people out there that need help and don't know how to change their lifestyle. I would love to inspire people to become more fit through healthy lifestyle changes including relationships with food and working out.  Plus I am interested in learning more about what exercises work which body parts and such.

What's on your fitness bucket list?


  1. I just did a color run! Im going to be posting on it next week!

    One of my goals is a sub 4 marathon!

  2. Wow...awesome bucket list! The color run sounds like so much fun...I've never heard of it before! I'm super bad at working out...and would be so proud of myself if I finished any race...3k, 5k.

    1. Thanks! I'm not much of a runner either, but I like the group part of an organized 5k.


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