
Monday, August 20, 2012

Wedding Cupcake Tasting!

My lovely sister called on me 2 weeks ago to perform my first maid-of-honor duty: help her schedule some cupcake tastings! Being a huge cupcake fan (anytime I am in a Sprinkles city, its usually my first stop! I'm dying to try their ice cream too). My sis sent me her list of options, so my type-A personality first had to organize the list, find the locations/times/contact info for each place, then figure out our plan of attack.

We opted to visit 2 places this past Saturday since my mom was in town to help me finally paint my kitchen (more on that in another post).  The first stop was an actual cupcake shop that is about 2 miles from my house. I had no idea that it was there, and it might be a huge issue that its so close because their cupcakes were SO yummy!!

From left to right: Red Velvet, Coconut Rum, Cinnamon Bun, Carrot Cake, Strawberry Lemonade, and Chocolate Chip Cheesecake. 

The shop owner let us pick whatever we wanted to try from the regular flavors in inventory that day. There were several great options, but above are the final 6 that we chose. They have different flavors each day, and they have SO many flavors on their website!

Alicia's all time favorite is red velvet, so we had to try that. Surprisingly we all loved the cinnamon bun! It had a light cream cheese frosting that was amazing. Alicia loved the red velvet (of course) as well as the coconut rum. They make a Bailey's irish cream cupcake also that might be an option. We weren't a huge fan of the strawberry lemonade, it was overly sweet to us. The chocolate chip cheesecake might be an option for those who prefer chocolate.

The second place we went to was on the west side of town. (We live on the east side, and there is nothing wrong with the west side, but its one of those things where most east siders stay on the east side and vice versa.) The second place was also an actual wedding cake shop, not a cupcake shop. We tried 8 different options, then a few fillings. It was a more traditional cake tasting, at least what I thought a cake tasting would be. We liked one or two options, but we were able to eliminate the second place from the potential list.

The before: 

The after:

It looks like we enjoyed it much more than we did. They were small samples and we were trying to be polite...

There are still 5 more places that Alicia has on the list to try, but it will be a while before we get to those. Partially because we are both crazy busy the next few weeks/weekends and partially because I think we will all be in a sugar coma for days after all that tasting!!


  1. This is my kind of day! I want to come along on the next 5 stops!! ;)

    1. We are probably doing more next month, so sure!


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