
Friday, August 10, 2012

Turkey Zucchini Bake

A few of the people in my office have home gardens and they bring in excess veggies that they cannot eat. Last week someone left a beautiful zucchini in the lunch room, so I snatched it up right away! It had been sitting in my fridge for 2-3 days because I had no idea what to do with it. I also had ground turkey. What does one do with these two items?! Throw them together with some tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese, throw it in the oven, and call it a meal!

Here's the step-by-step:

I make my own sauce, so thats in the back. Bottled sauce is fine also, just make sure the salt/sugar content isn't sky high.  Brown the ground turkey in a pan with some garlic. 

Look at that zucchini! The one thing I do love about summer is the FOOD! Anyway, slice the zucchini into thin slices. You could add yellow squash to this also, I just didn't have any.

Layer your baking pan with sauce.

Add a layer of zucchini.

Add some of the fully cooked ground turkey, then more sauce.

I ended up with 3 layers. Top with sauce.

Add shredded mozzarella cheese and parmesan cheese.

Bake covered in a 350 degree oven for 15 minutes. Uncover and bake for another 5-10 minutes.

Here's the finished product! I added a little more of both cheeses.

This made 3-4 servings. I also want to try a poached egg on top for some extra protein (sounds weird, but TRY IT!). Simple, healthy, SO YUMMY!

Do you ever just throw things together to make a meal?


  1. Yummo! Can you come cook for me??? And I wanted to say again, that you being genuine on my blog is appreciated and welcomed!! We are def still blog buds!!! Happy weekend!

    1. I would love to come cook for you! :-) I'm glad you can take constructive criticism. I'm not the best with my words sometimes, so hopefully it didn't sound harsh. But you asked for honesty, and that I can do! I still love your creativity with the outfit.

      Hope you have a fantastic weekend with you fam!

  2. I used to eat just zucchini + marinara all the time! Less of a meal, but still yummy :)

    1. me too!! Zucchini and summer squash are so yummy with tomato sauce. one of the things i love about summer is the fruits and veggies!

  3. mmm this looks so good i will def try!


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