
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Birthday Recap!!

I totally got caught up with all my birthday fun and other posts that I forgot to do a birthday recap! My birthday was 2 weeks ago and I'm still reeling from all the fun of my "birthday week." I pretty much had the best birthday week a 29 year old girl could ask for!

I flew back from a work trip in Las Vegas on Wednesday, went home, showered and popped back out to go to dinner with a friend. It was nice and relaxing, great way to spend the night before my birthday.

On Thursday, I had to work (bummer) but directly after work I had an appointment with my trainer. Nothing better than getting your butt kicked on your birthday! (I'm pathetic, I know, don't hate me!). Then I ran home for a quick shower before driving over to my sister's place for dinner with her and her fiance. Since I travel and eat out so much, I requested a homemade meal for my birthday dinner. My sister is a FANTASTIC cook and made me an awesome dinner. It was so amazing that I completely forgot to take a picture of until I was almost done. Thankfully, Alicia is a slower eater than I am, so I took a quick pic of her plate.

She made chicken stuffed with goat cheese, basil, and roasted red peppers. The veggies were marinated for 24 hours in some fabulous recipe she learned of from a friend. We had some of my favorite red wine (Burbon Barrel Red from Riverbend Winery) and watermelon for dessert (seriously, spoiled!).

As if dinner wasn't enough, my fabulous sister bought me the Stella and Dot earrings I've been lusting over! Someone reads the blog ;-) I cannot wait to wear them!!!!

Since my birthday was during the week, I didn't want to make my parents drive 2 hours one way just for dinner. So on Sunday I ventured home to celebrate my birthday with my parents. My mom is BIG on birthdays, and even though I turned 29, she still went all out. She made sure to hang the Happy Birthday sign and streamers in the kitchen, and told anyone that would listen that it was my birthday.

We went to one of my favorite pizza places for dinner, then stopped by a local ice cream joint for dessert. My dad and I shared a pumpkin roll sundae that had pumpkin ice cream, carmel, whipped cream and cinnamon on top of a pumpkin roll. Yup, amazing. I don't normally eat like this, so I was quite full after. But it was SO worth it.

Then I came home to my annual birthday scavenger hunt. My mom thinks its cute to have us literally running up and down the stairs to find clues to our presents. Let me tell you, she did a great job this year because I'm pretty sure I worked off some of my dinner/dessert calories!

In the end, I got a new touchless soap dispenser (if you don't have one of these in your life, you NEED changer!) as well as a fabulous new fedora hat! Woohoo!!

OOO, I almost forgot...I received beautiful flowers from someone VERY special.  And a balloon!!

I also received some very thoughtful cards from some amazing family and  friends....

I feel all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it all! THANK YOU everyone for all of the LOVE :-)


  1. Sounds like you had a great birthday! I love those Stella & Dot earrings!

    Life Unsweetened

  2. Love the scavenger hunt idea! I am going to have to try that in our house. Glad you had an awesomely fantastic birthday!

    1. We've been doing the scavenger hunt for years. I don't know when we will stop, but its kinda fun to be a silly kid again on your birthday! Thanks!

  3. Happiest birthday, and it sounds like it was an amazing one! I really want your sister's recipe for those marinated veggies! What a fantastic family you have, and I'm so glad it was such a happy weekend!

    Also - I've decided to get serious about my physical fitness. Ugh. And I think I'm going to break down and get a trainer, at least for a few sessions. I'll let you know how it goes!

    1. Thank you, Bonnie! You are the sweetest! If my sis gives me the recipe, I will totally share it.

      And definitely let me know about the trainer! Its a good place to get started, learn proper form, and be held accountable for a while. I highly recommend it! Keep mt posted :-)

  4. What a way to celebrate with a BANG!! Those Stella and Dot earrings are amazing...can I borrow!! ;) Oh to be 29 again....enjoy the last year in your twenties!!! ;)

    1. Thanks Shanna! And yes, we can totally share the earrings! ;-)

  5. Sounds like an awesome birthday! Love your new earrings :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  6. Oh my goodness! Sounds like your birthday celebrations were jam packed with visits to friends & family, yummy food, and fabulous prezzies! I hope 29 is a wonderful year!

  7. Belated happy birthday, dear! Delicious food and fabulous gifts!
    Juneli from Fashionably Yours

  8. Yay! Looks like you had a lot of fun! The room in the picture with the flowers & balloon is adorable, btw :)

    I really like how you combined three photos of the Stella and Dot earrings. May I ask what software you used to do that?

    1. Thanks Nicole! The app is called PhotoGrid and its for Android. Not sure if iPhone has it. But its a fun app!


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