
Friday, September 28, 2012

Giveaway winner?!

So, I have a question. I won a giveaway from another blogger about a month ago and I was super pumped because I never win anything! No, seriously, I won $50 in a raffle once in 4th grade, but since then I haven't won a thing. My little sister, on the other hand, is the luckiest person I know. She was in the Las Vegas airport a few years ago on a layover, put a dollar into a slot machine and won like $100. Who does that?!

Anyway, I won this giveaway and I got to pick a few items from the sponsor's Etsy shop. She has some cute accessories, so I chose 2 items. When I emailed them to her, she said I could spend up to a certain amount and I wasn't there yet, did I want to pick one more? So I did. About a week passed and she never responded so I sent her a little email. She said one of the items was on back order, but she should have my stuff together around Sept 1. Well, its now Sept 28th and I haven't received my items.

What do I do?! On the one hand, I WON! So I should get my stuff!! I was really excited about the items I picked and I wanted to show you guys. But on the other hand, it was a giveaway for an Etsy shop, so I feel a little greedy.  HELP?!

What would you do?!


  1. I would notify the blog owner of the blog you won through. She can check up on it for you so you don't appear pushy (if you're worried about that) and at the very least, she'll know not to use that shop owner again! Best of luck getting your stuff!


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