
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Training Tuesday - Tough Mudder enlisted!

Well, its official. I am certifiably crazy. I am registered to do the Tough Mudder on October 21st.  Am I excited? Yes. Am I freaking out? YES!

So, now I have a list of questions/concerns/thoughts running around in my tiny head:

  1. Please, God, don't let me die!
  2. What do I wear?! 
  3. I probably need gloves, where do I find small, girl sized ones?
  4. How will the weather be on that day?
  5. What do I bring to the event?
  6. Will there be water stations during the event?
  7. O $H!T! I need to start training, like yesterday!
Question/Thought #1 - will continue until the day of the event. No changing that.

Question #2 - in progress. I have been reading some websites with tips on attire, and I have already ordered a pair of pants. I don't know how possible it will be to look cute covered in mud, but I'm going to try! The pants are Under Armor Compression Leggings, hopefully they keep my muscles happy as well as keeping my legs warm and scrape free.

Question #3 - Any help on this would be appreciated! I have very small hands and I don't want to build up callouses. I will need some grip for the possibility of monkey bars/rings. I also want to make sure that they are warm and don't retain water.

Question #4 - If anyone knows the forecast 2 months in advance, that would be helpful. Thanks ;-)

Question #5 - I can't really have anything during the race, but I want to be sure I have my id, phone, camera, cash, water, snacks, clean clothes, and a towel. Am I missing anything?

Question #6 - I drink a lot of water during the day and I always need water when I'm working out. I'm assuming the race is going to take a while and since I can't carry a water bottle, I'm hoping they have water stations throughout the course??

Question #7 - Of course I'm always working out, but I have never run 10-12 miles, never run in mud, never run through fire or electrical wires... I plan on working out 6-7 days a week (haha, we'll see!) Hopefully I can still do my normal HIIT workouts 3-4 days a week, then run the other days. I'm very concerned about the distance portion of the Tough Mudder.

This is something that I put on my fitness bucket list, so I am excited about it. I know I will feel beyond amazing if I can finish it! Any advice is welcome!!

What are fitness goal are you working towards?


  1. Love it!! I just finished Mud Hero..and actually just posted a few photos on my blog about it. Hope you can check it out!
    You're going to have a blast!!

    1. I will take a peek. Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. Cute blog post! :) xo.

  3. 3. Check City Sports or another store for gloves. They have cycling gloves with some padding that aren't too expensive. Also ask staff for recommendations, they're pretty good!

    5. Find out if there's a secure place for your stuff. At most races the answer is yes, but you may have to drop it off when you register. See if you can get a friend to take pics for you.

    You'll have so much fun! A lot of people do it as a team so don't worry if you think you haven't trained "enough."

    1. Thanks! I'm still going to worry about the training, but I will work on it :-)

  4. Oh girl - you are so brave! Fire!? Wires!? Good luck!!

    1. I know, I'm crazy! Thanks for the luck, I think I'll need it!

  5. You're officially registered?!?! I'm so excited- if it doesn't work out with my Hubs schedule I will race vicariously through you. :)

    1. Yup! They took all my $$$. I really hope it works out for you and your Mr. Keep me posted!


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