
Monday, September 3, 2012

Blog Title Re-Do?!

Happy Labor Day Everybody! I hope you are enjoying the extra day off :-) But you might have to do a little work today, because I need some help...

I have been playing with changing the title of my blog, but I am (a) indecisive and (b) not creative. So:

What should I rename the blog? free polls 

I'm also open to any suggestions! Comments are welcome :-) 


  1. Bah I'm indecisive as well & can't choose! I like "Fit and Fashionable" and "Sneakers and Style" the best but I can't make up my mind between those too...Imma think on it.

    1. Lol, sleep on it and let me know what you think :-) I will probably take votes/suggestions for a week or two!

  2. Hi AJ! I know how agonizing the name changing process can be. I like "Fit and Fashionable" - I think it fits you well because you showcase a lot of activewear along with street wear. I'll be looking forward to see what you decide!

  3. How about Traveling in Style? Then include fitness in the caption


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