
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Random Wednesday Wishes - All that Sparkles

I am loving all of the sequined and glittered pieces that are out! I mean, how fun is that scarf? And I already bought the Old Navy tank in silver, but I am craving it in black. That skirt is totally awesome and at less than $25, I'm pretty sure it will be mine. The shoes are stunning but a bit pricy for me right now. But a girl can dream, right?! 

Do you like all of the sequined pieces out right now? Have you caved and bought any?

AND I'm linking up with Shanna (Because Shanna Said So) for Random Wednesday!

My randomness:
  1. I discovered a small rip in my fitted sheet last weekend. That turned into a HUGE rip this weekend. Thankfully I had purchased 2 sets of the exact same sheets when I found them (I wanted to make curtains but that never happened). It was so funny to see how the color of the sheets faded/changed over 5 years!
  2. Part of me wanted to start Christmas decorating this weekend. However, since it was 70 degrees outside and I was lazy all weekend, I couldn't get myself into the Christmas spirit/peel myself off the couch. Oops.
  3. I'm very stressed about Christmas shopping this year. Usually by this poing I have 50-60% of my shopping done. I have about 5% complete as of right now. 


  1. I haven't even started my Christmas shopping yet- it's giving me anxiety! I do love anything with some sparkle though, it makes me think of New Years!

  2. Love these all! I want a sequin bodycon dress.

    <3 Melissa

  3. Ahhhh you're going to make me crave another pair of shoes that I shouldn't buy! I hear you on the Christmas decorations ... I'm forcing myself to hold off until after Thanksgiving, although I may craft a little in the meantime. I haven't bought any sequin or glittery stuff yet. Yet. Hope you're having a great week!

  4. Girl, I am stressed about shopping for Christmas takes away from the true meaning. And you are a girl after my own heart....the more sequins the better!!! xoxo

  5. Love the sequin skirt - so fun! I love to start CHristmas shopping early too - but then I end up buying more presents for everyone because I get sad I'm done, haha :)

    The Other Side of Gray


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