
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Training Tuesday - LesMills Combat

Today is the first Training Tuesday of a three part series I am doing on some new BeachBody DVDs. You may know the BeachBody name because they are the creators of P90X and Insanity.  The company's goal is to transform your life with home workout videos and nutrition. How awesome is that?!

Now, I need to be 100% honest with you guys. I have not purchased any of the BeachBody DVDs, but I have always wanted to try them. Since I travel 75% of the time, having a DVD to pop into my laptop would be an awesome alternative to the crappy limited hotel gyms.

After just completing my Tough Mudder (read my recap here), I feel like a fierce athlete. So when I was looking through the links that BeachBody sent me, the LesMills Combat workout jumped out ahead of the others. With a tagline like "Work Out Like a Warrior," who wouldn't be pumped?! The program is a mixture of cardio and 6 different martial arts disciplines in explosive sequences that will tone you up, burn plenty of calories and make you feel like a lean, mean, fighting machine!

I have done a LesMills Pump class at a local gym and I really enjoyed it. It was the first group fitness class I have attended (besides TRX) that actually challenged me. I liked how it incorporated the weights and you don't stop moving the whole time. It seems like the LesMills Combat is going to be high energy as well, but with boxing and taekwondo moves.

The great thing about doing DVDs is that you can perform at your own level. If you're intimidated by they super high intensity, there is always someone on the videos that is doing more low impact moves. If you like having people around you to push you harder, call a friend to come over and workout with you.

The combat kit comes with 5 DVDs, a fitness guide, 60 day workout calendar, measuring tape and tracker, and a nutrition guide. There are also 2 other kits that include more, but I usually think the basic kit is the best value. The price is 3 payments of $19.99 (basically $60). When I first looked at the price, I thought "$60 for some DVDs...are they serious?!" But then I really looked at what was included and thought about it. Thats a $1 a day workout plan from home! And it includes the nutrition guide, which seems to be most people's weak spot (I know its mine!).

Come back next week to see another exciting new BeachBody product!

*Disclaimer: I was contacted by BeachBody to write about their upcoming products. I was not compensated by BeachBody and all opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome to know! I have also done Body Pump and Body Flow by the same people and they are two of my absolute favorite classes... just irritating that you have to go to the gym because I highly prefer at home work outs. Can't wait to hear all about your experience!

    It's an Easy Life


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