
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Random Wednesday Wishes - Booties

I've decided that I want a pair of booties. I have a few criteria for said booties:
  1. Must be black.
  2. Must be under $150.
  3. Must be less than 3.5" heel (or have a platform)...I want to be able to wear these for work and play!
Here's a few options I've found so far...

How do you feel about booties? Any advice/suggestions?

ALSO, its time to link up for Random Wednesday with Shanna from Because Shanna Said So!
Today's randomness:

  1. I'm a bit obsessed with my mani/pedi color I got yesterday. I think it was Emerald City by China Glaze? Its a beautiful dark green with glitter!
  2. I finally started decorating for Christmas this past weekend! YAY!! I blasted Christmas music throughout the house and got into the spirit. I haven't put up my trees yet (Yes, I said treeS, plural. I have 2 Christmas trees. Yes, I live alone. Yes, this is completely normal.)
  3. I have 7 people to shop for Christmas gifts this year, I have 1 person complete. Which is totally stressing me out.
  4. Enough Christmas stuff, seeing as tomorrow is Thanksgiving. One holiday at a time, AJ! Thanksgiving 15 years ago was a big deal with my family. We would travel to Philly and have a dinner with 11 people. However, moving further away has made Thanksgiving a smaller holiday. And with my little sister getting engaged, she has elected to spend this holiday with her new fiance's family. So, Thanksgiving will be Mom, Dad, and myself. I'm looking forward to relaxing, eating, drinking, and playing a little pool. 
  5. Actually, I forgot 1 thing on Thanksgiving, a 10k. Yup, I signed up to run a 10k tomorrow morning. I'm not a runner. I've never run anything more than a 5k. But I HATE sitting at home and smelling the amazing the turkey cooking all day and not being able to eat it for hours. So, I signed up with my trainer and a few others to run the 103 Annual Thanksgiving Day Race. Wish me luck! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!


  1. Lol!!! Love the ankle boots post!! They are have to grab a pair!! Good luck tomorrow in the race! If you can do that one crazy one not too long ago, you have this one in the bag!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

  2. I just bought a pair of back sparkly booties from target the other day and LOVE them! I'll have to post a pic soon. Good luck on your race tomorrow!!

  3. The 4th one (bottom right) is great! I love the shiny studs!

    twitter: @BelatedBloomer

  4. Hope that race went well!! And that you pigged out later!

  5. I vote 2. And my pairs of Jessica Simpson heels are super comfy and have handled wear and tear very well!

  6. I am obsessed with black booties right now! I've been trying to find a pair with big bows on them haha. These are all to die for!

  7. These are all gorgeous but I like #2 & 3 the most :)


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