
Monday, January 7, 2013

2013 Resolutions

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Here I am! So sorry I've been MIA. With the holidays, travel, and being without my MacBook and camera, blogging just hasn't happened. But do not fear! My new MacBook and camera have been ordered, and I have finally unpacked from my 2 trips over the holidays. I haven't had a chance to un-decorate from Christmas, but knowing me, that won't happen until the end of January...

Anyway, I usually don't "do" resolutions because I forget about them a week into the new year. Since we are at that point anyway and I'm still thinking about them, I thought I would give it a go. Plus, this year I have all of you to keep me on track!

Here are my thoughts/resolutions:

1. Tweak my healthy lifestyle. Overall, I live a pretty healthy lifestyle. However, the last 2 months of 2012 seemed to be a downhill slope of bad eating habits and less gym time. I need to focus on eating healthy, whole, natural foods. I need to cut down on my sugar and alcohol intake. I have had a gym membership and a personal trainer for years, so I'm not one of those "It is a new year and I'm going to workout!" people, but I am going to take the new year as a new focus. I am still going to workout with my trainer, but I am also looking into other fitness resources. After reading Julie's rave reviews on Peanut Butter Fingers, I decided to try Tina's Best Body Bootcamp. I'm overwhelmed with all of the information but excited to have a program to track my progress!

And who knows, maybe I'll do another Tough Mudder or a 10k?! Any suggestions on fun things to train for are welcome!

2. Be better about blogging. I started this blog back in April last year as something to keep me busy/entertained. I'm not a fancy blogger with amazing photos or awesome outfits, but I enjoy sharing a little of my life. After blogging for a while, I have wanted to update the look of my blog, but didn't want to spend the money on a full new layout. One of my wonderful blogger friends, Rachel from Life Unsweetened, graciously offered to make me a new header for my blog. After countless emails back and forth, I decided on the new header you see above. Rachel also made me the social media buttons on the right and the signature at the bottom of this post. THANK YOU GIRLY!! Shortly after all this, craziness ensued in my life and I was/am sans laptop and camera. However, one of my favorite people in the whole world, Jerod (check out his blog Primility) sent me note cards, a notebook, and a coaster with my new blog header on them. I think they are the most thoughtful Christmas gifts I have ever received! And they were the exact motivation I needed to keep going with my blog.

3. Enjoy life/be more positive. 2013 is going to be crazy busy, and I need to remember to take it all in and enjoy it. There will be LOTS of good times and I know there will be some difficult times too.

4. Develop a budget, and stick to it!  I am VERY lucky that I have a well paying job with great benefits so I've never really set up a budget for myself. But I really need to develop a budget for my bills and shopping. I'm still trying to figure out what to spend on clothing/accessories/house items/going out and where I can cut other costs. If you guys have any suggestions on where to start, please share!

Do you have any resolutions this year? 


  1. Yay for the new header!!! It looks great!!! And I am right there with you on the budget thing!!! Here's to staying strong!! LOL! Glad you are back!!

  2. Great list! I need to exercise more (I just can't find the time/motivation) and try to gain back some weight I loss recently :( I'm totally with you on being more positive in life, it can be hard.

    1. Thanks Rachel! Good luck with the weight gain...working out can actually help with that if you do it properly.

  3. Aw AJ you are a fancy blogger!

    I'm with you on all your resolutions. You should read the energy bus (if you haven't already), it will help you with your positivity goals!


    1. Thanks for the suggestion, Danielle! I enjoy reading so I will put that book on my list.

  4. I love the new header, signature, and social media buttons. How sweet of Rachel to make them for you! I'm curious about the boot camp program you linked. Gotta go check that out now, goodness knows I need it :D

    1. Thanks! It was SO sweet of her, so I sent her a little thank you gift. And I will be updating each week about the bootcamp. Stay tuned!


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