
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Random Wednesday Wishes - Basics

1 / 2
3 / 4 / 5

WOW, its been a while since I have done a Wednesday Wishes! So I thought it was fitting to start with the basics....closet basics. Jessica from Here&Now has been inspiring me with this post a while back. Here are two that I realized I don't have!

1, 2 - White Button Down Shirt - Express calls it the Essential Shirt and I have to agree with them. Every lady needs a classic, crisp white button down shirt to wear with bold pants, or to layer with any number of tops. Unfortunately, this girl seems to have pit stains on all her white button downs (gross, I know!) so its time to get a new one!

3, 4, 5 -  Small Brown Crossbody Bag - I have a large Michael Kors crossbody bag in a luggage color that I adore, but I want/need one that is more a wristlet size.  I haven't tried these on in person, but I think any of these would be great options!

Its also Random Wednesday link up time with Shanna from Because Shanna Said So!!

1. If you are reading this anytime in the morning (eastern time) then my fabulous grandmother is currently in surgery. Please say a little prayer for her.

2. Last Tuesday I woke up and DID NOT want to wear pants. That never happens to me! I debated going to work without bottoms, but I didn't want to terrify my co-workers. I also considered wearing my drawstring fleece pants (that belong in the trash but I just cannot part with them!), but I didn't think that was work appropriate either. So I ended up wearing a skirt, which I will show you guys tomorrow.

3. I have worked the past 9 days straight. I cannot WAIT for the weekend!!!!!!!

4. I am SO proud of my beloved Syracuse Orange for beating both (formally) #1 ranked Louisville on Saturday then turning around an beating Cincinnati on Monday! GOOD JOB 'CUSE!!

5. I still haven't set a shopping budget for myself. I really need to. Ugh.

6. One of my Best Body Boot Camp challenges for this week is to not eat chocolate. I failed Monday (mini Toblerone and dark chocolate covered raisins should NOT be in my house!). I kinda failed Tuesday because there was a little chocolate in my Mojo bar, but its not the main ingredient so I don't think that really counts as a fail, does it?!

Happy Wednesday...not too much longer!


  1. I love all those bags- most of mine are either black or brown, so I'm always on the hunt for a new one to replace my old one. Sending prayers your way for your grandma!

    1. I can't decide which one to choose! And thank you for the prayers. It means a lot.

  2. I've been wanting a Rebecca Minkoff Mini Mac for a while! Hope your grandma has a successful surgery!

    The Tiny Heart
    January Group Giveaway!

    1. Thanks for the bag vote and for the well wishes!

  3. Totally agree on the white shirt, cannot imagine my life without mine. I could never choose from those bags as I LOVE them all!
    Sending lots of prayers for your grandma!

    1. LOL, you're not helping my indecisiveness, Pia! Thanks for the prayers!!

  4. Hope everything goes well with your Grandma!! As for the white shirt, I recently purchased one and LOVE it! Out of the cross body bags, I love #2 but #1 seems to be more classic and will last you longer as the trends change!

    1. Thank you for the thoughts, Kristin! And for your vote on the bag, #2 is a little trendy.

  5. Prayers for gma! Love the MJ one, I have the big one and love iiittt!

    1. Thanks for the prayers, Amy! And for the bag vote!!

  6. I have the Tory Burch crossbody you are looking at and I LOVE it! Its perfect. Also, I said a prayer for your grandma. Let us know how it goes.


    1. I've never had a Tory Burch bag, so its a serious contender! And thank you so much for the prayers!

  7. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE all three crossbody bags! I just bought one recently & I use it ALWAYS. I really love the brown ones, though! Mine is pretty basic black right now. I may have to look into adding to my collection :)

    It's later, so, I hope that everything went as well as possible with your grandmother's surgery. Good thoughts to her and your family! Ugh, NINE days straight SUCKS! I just did that last was only 7, but, it was supposed to be 12! I was DYING for the weekend, not setting my alarm and LIVING (for a day,at least) in a pair of sweatpants JUST like you mentioned in point #2 ;)

    Stopping by from the Random Wednesday linkup!

    1. I know, crossbody bags are the best!! And thank you for the thoughts for my fam.

      Only 2 more days until I get a day off...counting the hours!

  8. What perfect wardrobe staples. I neutral little bag is so perfect with so many outfits.

    1. I agree!! My big tan bag is amazing, but I want a smaller one for going out and such.

  9. I'm thinking about my February shopping budget too. Blah. Let's just with the lottery!?!?!

  10. I cant decide which crossbody I like should probably just get ALL of them

  11. Love the bags! <3 Anyway, would you like to follow each other?? just let me know! I'll follow back. PROMISE :)thanks in advance! x

    Blog: The Sassy Theory

  12. Love that Rebecca Minkoff cross body!
    Hope the surgery went well and hope your grandma feels better soon!
    Juneli from Fashionably Yours

  13. Those purses are so simple yet cute and refreshing! Great choice ;) And no, you are totally okay for the chips in the MOJO bars--btw MOJOs are awesome.

    1. Thank you! I like simple with a little twist. And thank you for giving me a pass in the Mojo bar!!

  14. I think having a list of things you'd like to add to your closet is a great way to make sure you don't just buy everything willy nilly. I have a whole list of items my closet would benefit from and I'm slowly trying to work on them. A bag like yours is one of those items!!

    1. My goal is to not go crazy with shopping this year!


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