
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Training Tuesday - BBBC Week 3

Last week was a much more typical work week as well as fitness week. Despite working 12 days in a row, I did a half day off and a day in the office, which meant 2 nights in my own bed! It also meant that I was able to workout with my trainer, which always motivates me for the week!

It was a decent workout week, but it was not the easiest week for one of my 2 personal goals. One goal was the same as the previous week, read before bed. I'm not super into the book I'm currently reading, but I want to finish it. The other goal was to not eat chocolate. If you know me, this is a HUGE challenge! There was a small amount of chocolate in my protein bar on Tuesday, but I took a vote and decided that it didn't count.

Sunday was my best and favorite workout day. I killed my workout, finished with 5 sprints, then hit the elliptical for 30 minutes. While flipping through magazines on the elliptical (I get bored doing straight cardio), I noticed 3 very cute males (two of whom I've never seen before, one I kinda know). YAY for eye candy at the gym!

These aren't new moves to me, but here are 2 of my favorite moves from Tina's Best Body Boot Camp this week!

(source: YouTube)

The reverse lunge leg raise is more of an intermediate move. If you're a beginner, just do a lunge. If you want to make it more advanced, add weights. I used 8lb. weights and kept my arms up by my shoulders.  I did 10 on each side.

(source: YouTube)

The key to this move is to keep your hips still, don't twist when you do the row. I did 16 total, 8 on each side.

How was your fitness last week? What do you have planned this week?


  1. Great post!

  2. I eat chocolate so often.. it's bad! I think keeping track of how often you exercise (as well as other activities) is a good way to keep up on your resolutions/goals! PS- now you have Disqus- yay!

  3. Haha - eye candy at the gym sounds awesome! And reading this post totally makes me want some chocolate, which is probably the opposite of what I should be taking away from it :)


    The Other Side of Gray

  4. Cute boys at the gym always make me work a little harder! And I've decided my life is better with a little chocolate, so I'm sure yours is too ;-)

  5. I didn't realize how much I am addicted to chocolate! And the best thing about this bootcamp has been the tracking of my workouts and 2 goals.

    I'm still working with the Disqus, I'm really hoping it imports all of my previous comments because right now it looks like no one ever comments on my blog!


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