
Friday, February 8, 2013

A Horse of a Different Color

I wore this outfit out with coworkers to a basketball game. When I walked up to them, one made a comment that I looked like a horse jockey. Since I looked like a jockey, he asked me the name of my horse. I couldn't come up with one on the spot, so we started brainstorming... 


I went through several names..."Polka Dot Pony" and "Lady Sapphire" were two of the front runners. Then we thought of "A Horse of a Different Color" and I loved it!

Sweater: Old Navy {similar}
Jeans: Target {similar}
Boots: {Nordstrom}
Belt: {Target}
Necklace: Forever 21

What would you name your "horse"?


  1. Haha - it must have been the boots? You look so cute - love the polka dot sweater, especially with the leopard belt!


    The Other Side of Gray

  2. A horse jockey, no way!! I love that sweater, it's super cute.


    Kristina does the Internets

  3. haha I would've said a nasty, sarcastic comment back to them if they called me a jockey (not that it's a bad thing, but it would still piss me off a little lol)

  4. This is such a cute outfit AJ! Love the touch of leopard with the belt! And I am completely jealous... I can't pull off white skinnies but gosh I wish I could! They look amazing on you!

  5. Such a cute outfit and you do look just like a jockey! I love it! Adorable.


  6. If this is your "jockey" look, you're definitely the most stylish jockey I've ever seen. I think you look so adorable!

  7. I love that belt!! I've been looking for a leopard print belt! You look super cute in this!

  8. Thanks! Belt is from Target...get it!!

  9. I don't take guy's comments on my style too seriously. I think he meant i have a more equestrian look, which I actually like! I just went with it!

  10. I'm going bonkers for that sweater of yours! So pretty!
    Juneli from Fashionably Yours

  11. There are two dudes at my work that always do that to me.........."Where's your horse??"

    Great outfit!!

  12. I love this outfit and I do NOT think you look like a horse jockey but whatever man. I think my horse would be called Mrs. Huffenstuff. I don't know why.


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