
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Valentine Blogging Party!

Last month one of my blogger friends, Kristin from Rare Nonsense, sent me an email with a link for a Valentine's Day blogger party/gift swap. It sounded like a fun so I signed up!

I was paired up with the fantastic Kimberly from The Simplicity of Being Curious! She is a 23 year old avid reader, military wife, as well as Air Force Officer herself (I believe its called a mil-to-mil marriage, how cool!). She has a German Sheppard named Holly and a new pup on the way soon. She is from Wisconsin (yay mid-west!), has lived in California, and is currently driving with her hubby to their new place in exciting! Drive safely Kim and Ryan! And Happy Valentine's Day!!


Kimberly and I exchanged several fun emails and learned a little about each other. Then we each put together a small package of Valentine's Day themed items and sent them to each other. Here is what she sent me....I was TOTALLY spoiled by a fantastic person and blogger friend. THANK YOU KIM! 

1. A heartfelt card! This card was so cute and personal. Kim outlined each of the gifts and why she thought it was perfect for me. So, I am going to do the same for you!

2. "Candles for Valentine's Day in a sent to remind you of coastal adventures." They smell SO good!

3. "Pink Passport cover for all of your travel adventures." OMG I've been wanting a passport cover forever and this one is the perfect shade of pink!

4. "Lip Stickers to spread some V-day love." Stickers make me smile, can't wait to use them!

5. "Envelope for love letters, because who doesn't love a sappy love note ;-)" Awwww, its adorable and I cannot wait to put some sappy love letters in there.

6. "Heart box of chocolates, just like when you were little" This one melted my heart! I had told Kim that when I was a little girl, I loved Valentine's Day because my daddy would give my sister and I a small heart-shaped box of chocolates, along with a card. The boxes usually had some cute cartoon or an adorable animal, so she TOTALLY nailed it!

So, again, I must say a huge THANK YOU to Kimberly for the amazing gifts!

To check out what I sent to Kimberly, head over to her blog: The Simplicity of Being Curious. :-)


  1. What a cute idea! #3 is adorable- so much prettier than my plain, ugly one!

  2. What cute goodies you got! I'm envious of your pink passport cover!

    The Tiny Heart
    Necklace Giveaway!

  3. How fun!! I love that passport cover, I didn't even know they made those. I need to go find myself one!


  4. There are expensive ones out there, but this one is so cute and simple. I love it!

  5. HOW FUN!!!!!!!!! A passport cover?!?!?! Brilliant!

  6. Yayyyy! I am so excited that you liked everything and I absolutely loved being swap partners with you! :)

  7. LOVE LOVE LOVE everything! I cannot wait to get home and devour my chocolates (i've been a good girl and waited) Loved swapping with you too!


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