
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Training Tuesday - BBBC recap/review

So, last week was the final week of Tina's Best Body Boot Camp. Since I brought you all along on this journey, I thought it was only fair to do a quick review of the program.

  • The accountability. I liked being able to track my workouts as well as 2 other goals each week. Check-ins for the previous week were due each Monday night. 
  • The videos. Tina included video links for almost all of the moves that she suggests. I learned a few new moves!
  • The community. Tina has a Facebook group as well as weekly emails and other bloggers. Seeing how others did on their progress was fun. 
  • Structure. If you like to have your workouts written out for you, that's exactly what Tina does!
  • Structure. I'm kinda ADD at the gym, so I following a set program wasn't my thing.
  • If you're completely clueless at the gym, this program may be overwhelming. I was a little confused by some of the workouts towards the end, and I workout a lot!
  • Self-motivation. You really do need to hold yourself accountable, so it may be good to have a workout buddy.
All in all, I liked the program but I'm not sure I would do it again. I liked trying new exercises that I learned from her videos, but I kept going back to what I know, HIIT. 

See all of my previous posts: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Week 6, Week 7

And I leave you with one more NOT to record a workout video. I'm ALL about working out, and I think this woman is amazing for being a busy, fit mother. However, maybe she should have recorded her workout video when her baby was napping, the dog was inside, and she had a minute to put some shoes on! (that's just my opinion...I did like this exercise and the video gave me a giggle!)

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