
Monday, March 4, 2013

Weekend Recap

Normally I have an outfit post on Mondays, but alas, it was a busy weekend. So, here's a quick recap ( excuses for not blogging!):

Had a massage Friday night. I need more of back hates me.
Cuddled with my puppy-neice
Completed an amazing HIIT workout Saturday morning
Also went to yoga Saturday morning
Took a nap
Speed cleaned my house
Went on a bar hop with a co-worker, my sis, and her friends
Rode a school bus for said bar hop
Did 5 loads of laundry
Completed my taxes (hungover no less!)
Went mattress shopping
Found an awesome scarf at Anthropologie, but didn't want to pay $50 for it
Hit up the mall and spent (more than) my monthly budget *OOPS!*
Tried the Lays Sriracha chips = YUM!
Spent more time with my puppy-neice and met her boyfriend

    What I did not accomplish this weekend:

    Purchase a mattress (I did narrow it down to 2!)
    Touch the 4 weeks of ironing sitting on my futon
    Paint my nails
    Workout on Sunday
    Do food prep for the week
    Take more outfit pictures
    Write my blog posts

    Please forgive me as blogging my be sporadic this week! I hope you all had an amazing weekend as well. I leave you with pictures of my new puppy niece! 

    {Resies all snuggled up in a blankie}

    {Resies cuddling with her boyfriend, Louie}

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