
Thursday, May 31, 2012


Warning: the title of this post is deceiving. I am NOT an organized person. My thoughts are all over the place, as is month's worth of ironing that is on my guest futon right now. However, there are a few things that I can organize and keep that way. One is my closet. My home was built in the 1920's which means the closets are SMALL. I have most of my clothes in 3 closets, and some seasonal items in a fourth makeshift closet. Closet 1 has short sleeve shirts, organized by color (ROYGBIV anyone?!). The second closet houses long sleeve shirts, also organized by color (and separated into button downs and casual). The third closet keeps my pants, blazers, and dresses for the season.

I also recently decided to organize some of my necklaces. I'm not sure where my necklace fetish started, but its close to being an obsession. I got the idea to display my necklaces from Pinterest (evil, time consuming website that I love!). Now, this is not the most artistic display, but I worked with what I already had in my house.

Sadly, this is not ALL of my necklaces. I have a few that were too heavy to put on the board since its not super secure on the wall. I tried to mix up the colors too. I really like having my options out for display, and it adds some visual interest to my bathroom. 

Do you have inspiration from Pinterest for crafts/DIY stuff? How do you store your fun jewelery?


  1. I love how you displayed your necklaces! Mine are just buried in a drawer. I totally forget what I have because they aren't out in the open.


  2. I organize my necklaces the same way, just my favorites ones. I bought a big board but my necklaces are crammed together (which means I need to stop buying more).


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