
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tough Mudder - Food - Breakfast

Check out my Tough Mudder Event Recap and Tough Mudder-Attire posts!

On race morning, I had to leave at 6am to pick up my team members and hit the road for the 90 minute drive to the event. When I woke up, I had a solid breakfast of oatmeal with chia seeds and a 1/2  scoop of protein powder, as well as 2 fried eggs with some spinach.

I also packed a Clif bar (I only had 1/2) and a Starbucks Refresher to have around 8:30. I don't drink coffee and I didn't have any other pre-workout energy powder, so the Starbucks drink was my caffeine boost. I didn't realize that it was carbonated so that part wasn't great but it still gave me a boost before heading out.

What do you eat/drink before a big workout/event?! 

Check back this afternoon for what I ate the night before (and a recipe)!!!


  1. I need to take after your amazing fitness and eating habits!!! You are a rock star!! ;)

    1. Thank you! Its never too late to start (but I don't always eat perfectly, I wish I could! But I'm working on it)


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